Tuesday 17 May 2011

justin bieber jokes pictures

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  • mrthieme
    Nov 29, 06:00 PM
    The concept of internet based content is very attractive, bandwidth issues aside. I pay too much money for too many channels I don't need/want. And I don't want to watch when NBC tells me too. A selective subscription to the media I'm interested in is just what I want. The lowered cost associated with online distribution versus a whole network of channels being pumped into every home opens the door for the little guys with very focused content to get stuff out there, just like podcasts, and hopefully make enough money to keep improving their material.

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  • ieber jokes. Justin Bieber

  • Unorthodox
    Oct 23, 12:54 PM
    The wheels on the rumor mill go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round.

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  • U get this new news justin

  • catracho
    Mar 24, 08:27 PM
    Do you think that the support of these 5xxxx cards could mean the return of the 24" iMac?

    Too many cards for only 2 models (21" and 27")....

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  • Diedec , where justin bydec

  • Peterkro
    Mar 19, 04:37 PM
    Nice edit. CNN was first. :p

    The edit wasn't supposed to suggest the Beeb got it first it's just where I saw it. There really isn't a "we got if first" thing in news reporting, stuff tends to come first on the wire services and video comes from essentially auction centres (I know of two one in Atlanta and one in London ) which within seconds sells "exclusive" images on the open market.Al Jaz gets something and it's on Beeb/Cnn etc within minutes for example.

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  • anti justin bieber jokes

  • milo
    Sep 6, 05:06 PM
    ironically, this is why Apple stock does not plummet like other computer vendors. giving buyers few options to upgrade forces people to keep upgrading the system. you know that Apple Mac users upgrade their computer more often than PC users.

    Or it encourages them to look at PC alternatives. Do you have a source on mac users upgrading more often? Among the people I know it's the other way around.

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  • Justin Bieber jokes aside,

  • hulugu
    Apr 27, 05:07 AM
    Hey, thank you for being an idiot !! I wasn't replying because I went on Holidays. I went to see Tokyo for Five days and track down the old places of Edo described in Ernest Satow's 1921 book "A diplomat in Japan" and to buy a new Emac !! Its 115 000 yen in Japan for a Superdrive model. Oh, I forgot...For you being a high school graduate - Edo (or Yedo in some translations) is the old name of Tokyo. Up until the Meiji restoration.

    If I was stupid - I wouldn't speak two languages
    If I was an ignorant person - I would have stayed in my home country and not learn about the ways of the world...I believe that you have spent too much time in front of you mac.
    If I was a vain pretender to knowledge - Do you know who Ernest Satow was ? Do you know over 2,000 Japanese kanji characters ? Do you know how to live in another country ? You have NO IDEA

    So please don't call other people names - This is a thread for discussion not a primary school (If you are American - a primary school is a elementary school) :D

    Wow, I was scouring this thread to see where it had started, and I just noticed this post. Bad day?

    By the way, you should read your post again, you manage to be pedantic and mistaken at the same time: your grammar is a shambles, you mention immediately that you went to Tokyo and then you call it Edo and then mention something about�and this I'm gleaning the meaning�needing to be a high school graduate to know that Edo was the name of Tokyo up until the Meiji Restoration. Um kay. Then something about 2,000 kanji characters. That's very impressive and you should be proud of your accomplishment in learning Japanese I understand it is very difficult. However, I would like to point out that many many Japanese also know kanji characters and it is disctinctly possible that some, maybe more than a few know more than 2,000 characters and speak English and are living in the United States or in Europe.
    I would also like to point out that I think you're wrong in your general opinion in this thread and that I speak only two languages (unfortunately not Japanese) although I can read Latin and I too have been in another country besides the United States.
    Knowledge is a sword, it cuts both ways.

    Oh and by the way, congrats on knowing who Ernest Satow is. Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan? Or N. Scott Momaday? Or Saigo Takamori for that matter?

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  • I Justin Bieber

  • tktaylor1
    Feb 5, 02:09 PM
    2002 Audi A4. 18th birthday present

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  • Justin+ieber+miley+cyrus+

  • flyfish29
    Mar 25, 10:27 PM
    market share market schmare! I think apple is doing great. The kind of person that would buy a 5-6 hundred dollar mac would not buy many or any additional programs as they would probably just surf the net, take dig. pics, etc. and watch them on their tv...if that much. That is not going to bring us any new or additional software. They would not use Palms so Palm would not all of the sudden make their software again. It would cost Apple money to develop the machine, support it, and update it not to mention marketing, etc. Apple resellers would have to buy them and use up precious inventory money on those rather than things they would be making money off of.

    I think Apple needs to promote their best thing: software! They are a software company that also happens to make some great hardware, but they have almost always focused on hardware. G5, iMac, iPod, Powerbook, etc. were all supported heavily in print and other media. what about OSX??? iLife gets some support in print...iTunes is the only real app. that gets much support in marketing and look where Apple is with it! Making huge bucks! If they want people to switch in numbers they need to show the software working and what you can do with it. The switch campaign did this some, but people foucsed on the people and their little jokes and quirks and not the software. Apple needs to shed their image of "only for artists and students/teachers" and not for business, not for internet, not compatible with such and such, etc. These are all parts of their image that people still believe and they need to change their image. Not everone sees different as better. I don't think it should be Apple's job to make everyone see that different is better...just make them see that Apple's product is better!

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  • Justin Bieber Jokes Burns.

  • MasonH
    Apr 2, 11:04 PM
    When Apple has their Quarterly press conference expect the iPad 2 to list 4+ million or more sales with back orders in the millions.

    The return rate of all Apple products, across all of their hardware lines are lowest in the entire industry.

    The iPhone 4 fiasco had a return rate half of that of the iPhone 3GS that everyone loved.

    iPad return rate is at 2%: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20030211-37.html

    Look to that being at or lower for the iPad 2.

    Ummm - the reason probably is shown on the 1400 post "light bleed" thread. People WANT the thing bad so they don't "return" it... they get it "swapped". Quite a few people over there are on their 4th to 5th swap
    (which boggles my mind frankly) in a search to get one with no bleed.

    They all seem to have it to varying degrees but I have to hand it to Apple for (so far) not claiming this is "in spec" to shut down all these

    Apple probably lists all these as "exchanges" and therefore they don't count as "returns". Makes the customer happy and makes them look good in the press. Everybody wins.

    Towards the end of the huge thread over at Apple.com people are being told the same thing from the reps when they call... that Apple "is looking into the qc issue on this batch of iPads and hopes to resolve the issue". That's good news for everybody.

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  • Justin+ieber+dancing+to+

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 11:59 AM
    Why do you even bother trolling an Apple forum?

    It's fun reading about people who try to justify privacy invasion because Apple does it but would be raising a ruckus if it was Microsoft or anyone else. The double standard and blind following is funny.

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  • Justin Bieber Funny Jokes

  • Sydde
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    There actually is a fair correlation here with homeopathy. Both involve "cures". Homeopathy claims that their process will (or might) treat or cure a specific ailment that is troubling you. This Exodus thing misrepresents a natural condition as a problem that requires curing. Both of these "therapies" require co�peration on the part of the victim.

    Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.

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  • logandzwon
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    At the end of the day, I believe this is going to court.

    I think the heart of the case will be hinged on proving if "app store" and/or "appstore" was in common use before apple applied for the TM. It does not matter in the least what "app" is short for, or what it means, or who used it for what. Only "appstore" or "app store."

    If they were to concede it was unique, but argue that it is NOW generic, I'd think they'd lose, (because Amazon and Microsoft seem to be ones generalizing it.)

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  • +jokes+about+justin+ieber

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 05:39 PM
    Loyalists blow with the wind, and the prevailing wind happens to be from Vichy. .... sorry, Tripoli. :oI think that's the prevailing water.

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  • Justin Bieber With A Boner In

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:53 PM
    Eh. People bitched about Aperture getting these features too, but so far Aperture's never grabbed me by the neck and forced me to use them. I assume Final Cut will be the same.

    Face Detection worked great in iPhoto. In Aperture it is a PITA even if you want to use it. For instance, I haven't figured out how to say "this is just a cloud, there is no face there, really, don't ask me every time I start up the face detection feature."

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  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 12, 10:36 PM
    There's an immensely good reason to learn the new interface, Speed.

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  • alteredjustin ieber jokes

  • NATO
    Aug 16, 07:35 AM
    If they use WiFi with the new iPods, they'll need a chunky battery. When I still used a PDA, the battery life nose dived when you turned on the WiFi. . .

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  • Justin+ieber+gay+jokes

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 07:39 PM
    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it!

    hardly. :rolleyes:

    i'm trying to put all of this core 2 duo hype into perspective. there have been rumors about new pro's for the last 2 months. at this rate, no one will ever purchase a new mac notebook.

    prove to me how a core 2 duo chip will make my EVERYDAY computing that more productive compared to a core duo. :D

    I stand by my point that you will be only shaving seconds of waiting for your stuff to run. a real wank... :rolleyes:

    if you are gonna wait - macworld 07 will be the big update.

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  • Justin+ieber+bald+cap

  • celticpride678
    Apr 1, 11:02 PM
    Use the dev version instead. A lot more stable than the beta one.

    Which is kind of ironic.

    Google is likely going to be updating the dev build of Chrome to work with Lion has they have been doing over the past month, rather than the stable or beta builds.

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  • Pictures+of+justin+ieber+

  • BC2009
    Oct 24, 12:59 AM
    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

    First off, Consumer Reports makes money by selling subscriptions which means free press is good for them. Sensational popular bad reviews gets them publicity - good reviews get them nothing. In fact their video review was so obviously biased and unprofessional it was a joke. The guy should have been wearing an "Down with Apple" T-shirt with the Android robot peeing on the Apple logo.

    Second, the Suzuki Samarai is not a Chinese vehicle - Suzuki is a Japanese company.

    Third, save your political slant for some other forum - we talk tech here - not politics.

    Fourth, hate China much?

    Fifth, I personally tried to verify Consumer Reports claims in multiple iPhone-4 units to no avail. I'm still holding off for iPhone-5 to save my budget, but all I can say about iPhone-4 is that it's the best phone I've ever seen.

    Sep 6, 06:36 PM
    The most important insight from all of these 'rumors' is that Apple MUST have something more to discuss on Tuesday than simply the release of the Movie Store. With Amazon trumping Apple on content and major questions outstanding about quality and DRM, it would be a big mistake to hold a major press event just for that.

    Clearly, the new iPod AND a media streaming/center device is on tap, otherwise this event will go on record as the biggest flop in Apple SE history.

    Dec 28, 02:14 AM
    the option to dock and iPod simply is so out of place that I do not know why it keeps getting brought up. iTV is focused on streaming content from your computer, not your iPod.I've been wondering about this. Assuming the iTV is just a streaming device which shows a movie stored on iTunes on your PC or Mac, it is probably reasonably simple for Apple to make the iTV also stream video from an iPod (including Nano or even Shuffle).

    Of course, why not just plug your iPod directly into the TV? And if there's a movie on your iPod, it came via your iTunes anyway so you can stream from there right...?

    I'm not sure what the answer to that is. I do think there's scope for buying a movie in a store, downloading to iPod, and uploading to your iTunes (assuming that you have a low bandwidth net connection).

    Is there scope for buying a movie in a store, downloading to iPod, and watching on TV? Or buying a movie in a store, downloading to a 1GB ram drive, and watching on your iTV? I think if I was going to the store anyway, I'd probably buy the HD-DVD instead. But for rental it might work.

    Jan 3, 02:12 PM
    I don't read too much into the Apple home page image. I think it only means that the transition to Intel is over and now Apple can concentrate on other efforts.
    I think the keynote will yield few surprises. I foresee a lengthy demonstration of Leopard, giving the consumer POV, and how great it will be. Maybe a few more features will be leaked out, but probably the focus will be on the consumer-level stuff like stationary in mail.app. Also, iChat will take up a lot of time.
    I think we'll see some upgrades to the MacPro line. Maybe more cores or processors or something, but what you might expect. Likely Blu-ray BTO option.
    iLife will get an update, with most of the changes in iWeb, which will support multiple site construction. It will be more robust and Steve will make a couple of sites with it. iWork will see some more templates and transitions, but no spreadsheet app will be shown. They may offer further integration with iApps and address book/mail (Leopard-only)
    iTV (whatever it's called) will make a minor appearance, and some more details will emerge, but other than front row integration, it won't be a big deal.
    No phone of any kind will be presented. Steve will publicly quash the rumor saying that Apple has looked at the existing market and can't find a value-add there. After that, a bluetooth iPod/cell phone interface will be presented that allows your iPod to show caller ID and shut off when a call comes in. It also allows for initiating calls from the iPod address book.
    iPods will get a HD bump to 100Gb & 60Gb at the same price point, Nano & Shuffles may also get larger storage, but not likely.
    No wide screen iPod will be shown. Steve will say it saps too much battery life, and will point to the Zune as the example of "what not to do". Steve will note that most cars sold in the US have iPod integration and how 2007 will be a banner year for iPod integration in home & car.
    A Mighty Mouse MKII will debut in both wired and BT form, with a better track ball (non-analog) and industry-leading battery life on the BT version.

    I think that'll be about it.

    Jan 12, 05:38 AM
    it is so thin and light.

    This makes sense due to its simplicity. If there is a MacBook Air, this will be the most likely rationale for the name.

    Of course, there could be other reasons, but air suggests lightness and importantly here freedom of movement. I find the current MacBook heavy. A friend was seriously considering buying one, until he picked it up! If mobility is important, like it is for me, a lighter Mac would be great.

    Feb 17, 10:31 PM
    here's my current setup. I finally got a Intel Mac and it will become to main machine soon. In the Pic is everything in the sig but the IIc and Performa.

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