Tuesday 17 May 2011

selena gomez vanity fair

selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • dmaxdmax
    Nov 28, 10:41 AM
    I was in a Best Buy the day before Thanksgiving and an employee told me they sold 4 Zunes that morning because they were out of stock on iPods. More were to be delivered that afternoon so he expected iPods to rule Friday. (as well they should)

    For MS the Zune is as much about strategy as anything. If they believe it's a necessary product it will be easy to justify extraordinary marketing spending. Apple has shown them there is no shame in a 5% market share if you believe in your product and have patience.

    MS hasn't bet the farm on anything. It bought into the game with a moderately high ante and has many many chips in its stack. Just because they aren't usually smart doesn't mean they will always be stupid. It could come down to Gates' successor's vision which won't be known til he's sitting in the big chair.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Lily Collins, Selena Gomez and
  • Lily Collins, Selena Gomez and

  • noservice2001
    Aug 24, 08:24 PM
    c'mon apple, i promise to buy one when its released...

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez Singer/actress
  • Selena Gomez Singer/actress

  • kiljoy616
    Mar 26, 01:49 AM
    In the future, your controller will cost �400, require a 10ft HDMI cable, a �25 adapter, and have the graphics of a PS2.

    PS2 how so? Those graphics are better than the ps2 maybe not up to par with a desktop like mine but still I was impressed imagine the power of a 4 core ipad 3 with 1 gig of memory

    selena gomez vanity fair. selena gomez vanity fair.
  • selena gomez vanity fair.

  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 08:44 PM
    But, look at it from the other angle. If Vista and Leopard does not look all that different, why switch to a Mac? Tiger would be a bit more user friendly to maintain, iLife might end up being less buggy, but you gotta balance that againts the "fear of the unknown", repurchasing some of your software and lack of close friends etc. to "borrow" software from. I am not that upbeat about 2007 for OSX.

    MS is functioning with BG for the FIRST TIME, they have lost their IDOL their reason for being -- will they go insane :confused:

    WHAT is the historical precedence for this :confused: :confused:

    Lets see Japan lost their GOD, their king after WW2, replaced him with MacArthur who rebuilt their industry, but for a long time THEY JUST COPIED AMERICAN GOODS even though they had newer equipment.

    HHHMMM !!! Could this mean the MS will collapse because they spent their best years copying everything tech !?!?!?!?

    NO ! I think they will emerge eventually as a new company, BUT FIRST THEY WILL HAVE TO QUIT COMPUTERS !!

    A new company that builds all things based on thar XBox.

    And things won't work out until they jettison Balmer :D

    selena gomez vanity fair. vanity fair party 15 010311
  • vanity fair party 15 010311

  • MagicWok
    Nov 26, 05:04 PM
    My last purchase. Bataleon Jam 157. Can't wait for the season to get going - not long now!! :D


    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber

  • kalisphoenix
    Jul 20, 01:42 AM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Vista will sell more copies in its first two weeks than Leopard in its first year. As several hundred thousand years of humanity have demonstrated, rhyme and reason matters little.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    ....and they still are. The anti-Apple and anti-Linux advertising games are defense, not offense.

    They finally had a very stable desktop, server platform, mail server, yellow pages, browser, office suite, SQL engine, and so on. But once they reached this pinnacle, two things happened (or at least two I want to talk about). One, they became way too greedy with their predatory licensing. It just went through the roof. If you have never purchased SW at the enterprise level, you do not understand how expensive this has become. SW can cost (at least) as much HW at the enterprise level.

    No doubt, but I don't see businesses exactly fleeing in droves.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Sun's ailments are a lot more complicated than that, as are SGI's. Most of their problem is that their workstation prices make Apple's seem like bargain-bin deals.

    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy. The vast majority of Linux users (ie, non-n00bs) don't really give a crap about mass adoption of Linux. Many even view such a possibility with horror and disgust. The only priority is choice. It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other), 9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Waving the "king of the OS hill" prize in front of a bunch of Linux users/developers will only result in them staring at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick. With very few exceptions, only n00bs (and uncomprehending businessmen who think they can somehow profit) want mass adoption of Linux.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez VANITY FAIR
  • Selena Gomez VANITY FAIR

  • surroundfan
    Sep 6, 09:24 AM
    Sometimes it's about form over function. This is nothing new for Apple.

    Well quite, but it's going to lock the Mac Mini into being a poor value proposition.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Click to view full size image
  • Click to view full size image

  • Chundles
    Sep 6, 10:39 AM
    I love my mini. I would have bought the former top end mini (1.66ghz Duo, 80gb HDD, SD) to replace my mini if it came down to $599 refurb/$699 new. I like my monitor just fine. I prefer the form factor of the mini over the iMac is what it comes down to, I suppose.

    I'm not a fan of the iMac design... mostly because of my bad experience with a Rev A iMac G5 being so freaking loud. If Apple had kept the Core Solo and dropped it's price $100 or more (Apple needs a $399 mini more than it needs a $799 model) lots of people would have bought it.

    As it stands, though, the mini kinda sucks.

    The Intel iMacs are almost silent - truly, you can barely hear them if at all.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez Justin Bieber

  • viggin
    Apr 12, 11:43 PM
    Here's the deal...(and I just realized that the way this is written might make it look like I have earlier posts in this thread. I don't. I'm jumping in right here.)

    The reason that I think pros fear "dumbed down" isn't so much because they want something that is difficult to use, but rather because sometimes making difficult things easy makes things that were previously easy difficult, or impossible.

    So just this week I had to help somebody with an iMovie problem. There was a part where they had 3 overlapping audio tracks. Movie audio, voiceover, and music. Try as they might, and try as I might, we could not get the movie audio to actually go away -- even though we had set it's volume level to "0%."

    Oh...and did I mention that they're on a white iBook? Fine machine, but a little slow. So I copy their iMovie stuff onto an external drive so we can look at it on my Core i7 iMac instead.

    Except iMovie on my iMac won't recognize the project on an external drive. I know that supposedly iMovie is supposed to...but it won't work. So I have to copy the files onto my iMac, and then iMovie magically sees them...because they're in the spot that iMovie wants files to be in.

    Well the only way to get the clips to work right that I could come up with, was to actually run all their clips through Quicktime 7 and just delete the audio track off them. Voila! No audio track for iMovie to play, when it's not supposed to.

    My point is that I spent 30 minutes dinking around with the "Easy" iMovie to do what would have taken me 10 seconds to do in Final Cut. (Select audio. Delete.)

    And that's pretty much my experience every time I get lulled into trying to run a quick project through iMovie. Everything seems to be going well, I'm even sort of enjoying myself (Don't tell anyone), then I hit a snag or a wall...bump up into some limitation of iMovie that there isn't a very good work-around to...and wish that I'd just used Final Cut to begin with.

    So while I agree that there are those who want pro tools to be difficult simply for the sake of having a high barrier of entry...

    ...I also think there are a ton of us that are just afraid that the cost of these new and handy features will be that some of the things we rely on doing, especially things that are a little "hackish," will become difficult/impossible. In the name of simplicity.

    It's like my iPhone. I love it to pieces, and I don't plan to have any other type of phone any time soon, but sometimes I wish for a few more advanced features...features that are available (Usually through third-party tools) on Android. Instead I'm stuck hoping and wishing and praying that Apple will implement them.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Justin Bieber Photos - Selena
  • Justin Bieber Photos - Selena

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:51 PM
    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    I've got hard facts to back up my claim. Do you have any for yours? :)

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • iEvolution
    Mar 22, 09:15 PM
    Nice! Best news I've heard for a long time.

    I will be updating to the 220GB just for video output..would be nice if they would add high definition output.

    I love the people that act like 220GB is a ridiculous amount, with the file sizes always increasing (FYI, the estimate of 40,000 songs with the current 160GB is a miscalculation, how many things are still selling 128kbps songs and how many people are still using that bit rate?) an increase in capacity is ALWAYS welcome.

    Further, add videos to the classic and 220GB would be considered small.

    selena gomez vanity fair. Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez

  • DrWeevil
    Apr 12, 09:06 PM
    Any chance the data center is going to play a role in the video capabilities of today's to-be-announced updates?

    There's gotta be some use for all that real estate they've paid for!

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez Singer/actress
  • Selena Gomez Singer/actress

  • theBB
    Jul 18, 12:18 PM
    You cannot rent an HD movie from Blockbuster or Netflix, so what makes you think "Apple has to offer HD quality". There is no need to have better quality than competitors while also providing more convenience.

    What is so wrong about stereo sound? A lot of people use the speakers of their TVs for the sound of a movie. Most movie do not really take advantage of sourround sound that much, where you feel like the sound is coming from the left or from behind etc. You might as well use your 5 speakers in stereo mode.

    $2 per rental ain't gonna happen. That's a pipedream. If movie indutry is licensing movies to Movielink for $4-5, it is not gonna let Apple do this for much lower prices. At that price it would be much more expensive than Netflix and with a much smaller library, so my subscription will have to stay. I can only use Apple's service as an add-on, when I really want to watch a movie, but Netflix DVD is still in the mail. Besides, I would have to get a Mac mini for the living room. Well, the cost just keeps adding up.

    selena gomez vanity fair. selena gomez vanity fair dress
  • selena gomez vanity fair dress

  • milo
    Jul 19, 04:34 PM
    Wow, already up to 75% intel machines. So much for the stupid notion that nobody wants intel because there are still big apps that aren't universal.

    selena gomez vanity fair. +gomez+vanity+fair+photo+
  • +gomez+vanity+fair+photo+

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 27, 01:43 AM
    It was my annual Black Friday "Buy a ton of video games" day today. Most of them on sale quite a lot, so it worked out nicely. I got 6 really awesome games for just over $100....

    Fallout: New Vegas - $35
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - $30
    Need For Speed: Shift - $10
    Plants vs Zombies - $15
    Pac Man: CE-DX - $10
    'Splosion Man - $2 :eek:

    http://imgur.com/S5am1.jpg http://imgur.com/SPJU3.jpg http://imgur.com/FTmDy.jpg

    http://imgur.com/67VbI.jpg http://imgur.com/9eJ7v.jpg http://imgur.com/i7KPZ.jpg

    selena gomez vanity fair. +selena+gomez+vanity+fair+
  • +selena+gomez+vanity+fair+

  • Sabenth
    Jul 14, 06:22 AM
    I have both an xbox 360 (and I will get the HD-DVD player for a steal I might add) and a Sony Vaio AR with blu-ray hooked up to my HDtv. Yes it is expensive, but when you see the quality its definitely worth it.

    I am going to steer clear of the Playstation3. The ps2 and psp just didnt impress me enough, although it will win the console wars simply because its a PlayStation. When you think about it, it has never really had the best console, N64 was better and would have won the first war had it not been on cartlidge and the xbox was better because of the online play, the ps2 was shocking online.

    The winner will be nintendo if they get it all done in time the ds has wiped the floor with the psp here in europe .. As for all this blue ray bussines i like the idea of it but not as a main feature of any computer system not just apple ... i am still getting my head around dvd rw -/ what ever format ... Blue ray will just cause more chaos to the public plus at the current prices they can sod off...

    selena gomez vanity fair. Justin Bieber and Seelna Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Seelna Gomez

  • dukebound85
    Apr 12, 06:11 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.


    having driven a manual for over 10 years, it gets annoying quite often...

    selena gomez vanity fair. Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 10, 03:57 PM
    That's about 700 pounds too much!
    ...Some day I may work on that problem. Once it's paid for and I have another car as a daily driver, the JCW could become a dedicated track car with a proper rollcage and bucket and all the unnecessary weight evicted.

    selena gomez vanity fair. selena gomez vanity fair
  • selena gomez vanity fair

  • res1233
    Apr 20, 02:46 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    I'll be darned! This is the first post this guy has made in months that hasn't annoyed me! This is a good sign!

    Nov 15, 09:28 AM
    How can this get negative votes? In fact, how do a lot of perfectly benign threads get negative votes? Are there just members out there who vote negative on everything?

    The negative for me is the tiny caveat at the bottom of the article. Apple releasing 8-core Mac Pros this month? Highly doubtful, in my opinion.

    Also, negative sometimes just means you don't believe it (as in this case) not that it's a "negative" announcement.

    Apr 19, 11:16 AM
    What is this world coming to when quotes are coming from Brian Tong???

    Last month, CNET's Brian Tong claimed (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/22/potential-imac-update-to-sandy-bridge-and-thunderbolt-in-4-6-weeks/) to have received information from a source indicating that updated iMacs should debut by the end of April or the first week in May, a window of time that is just now set to open.

    Apr 19, 11:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    One step closer to... every refresh? :)

    Apr 2, 07:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This is simply an amazing ad.

    Sep 6, 05:30 PM
    It looks like I'm going to have to buy one of these and hook it up to my entertainment system. Good by clunky old DVDs and hello DVD library on a Mac Mini.

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