Friday 13 May 2011

garrett hedlund death sentence

garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund and James Wan
  • Garrett Hedlund and James Wan

  • ianray
    Jun 23, 04:52 AM
    While we have seen very interesting advancements in App design between iPhone and iPad, I wonder how iOS could scale up to a 'Desktop PC' form-factor (or screen-size) without looking like some "Fisher-Price" toy?

    garrett hedlund death sentence. singer-garrett hedlund
  • singer-garrett hedlund

  • twoodcc
    Aug 6, 08:41 PM
    wow, that's some bold statements by Apple. i'm sure that they'll back them up though

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund star as Billy
  • Garrett Hedlund star as Billy

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 18, 08:59 AM
    I don't think it (or any of the other times) really had to do much with "democracy" unless it serves the end goal. Secure the oil.

    Lets put it this way.

    If we let Quadafi "win" which he would, by slaughtering or not...heck it's civil war right? They have a right to kill eachother in war and then the loser will face crimes for it as usual.

    If we support the "rebel government", we will get oil favors theoretically from the new regime AND, since we destroyed all Quadafi's high value military assets, we can sell "new and improved" weapons to the new regime.

    As always, I think there's a deep economic angle...but this time, it's almost like it's a ", someone is fighting again so lets try to maximize our potential future weapons sales by saying saying only ONE side is not allowed to kill ppl! ". It's almost hilarious if you think about it.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Death Sentence (R) Fox (111
  • Death Sentence (R) Fox (111

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 24, 01:33 AM
    Nope - Santa Rosa won't arrive until March or April, and that's when the next major upgrade will be made.

    Which is all the more reason to be fairly sure a C2D update is imminent. And we probably shouldn't expect too much from this update...

    I'm expecting Apple to have addressed cooling issues through better heatsinks combined with better fan control software, possibly better fans too. The 160GB HD should be added as a CTO option as it's available for the Mini, but don't expect any change to the overall design or a new HD bay. Possibly faster DVD writers, but don't expect DL support for the 15" MBP or MB. Just about everything else that people keep wishing for is probably out of the question until a major overhaul takes place.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund,
  • Garrett Hedlund,

  • Sbrocket
    Jan 11, 11:34 PM
    How about MacBook Zephyr
    MacBook Breeze
    MacBook Frizbee

    Now those REALLY sound bad. Air isn't so bad, this is just the typical reaction people get after a release of..."Oh man, this is the end of the world...the name sucks, where's this feature we made up, why doesn't it solve world hunger, I hate the design."

    Maybe people will learn to lower their expectations a little, hype stuff less, and be pleasantly surprised when the next big thing comes out that actually meets reasonable expectations without discouraging you by not meeting unreasonable ones. (That wasn't to you specifically, by the way, just a general statement.)

    Edit: I thought about it again...MacBook FRIZBEE? You know what you do with a Frizbee, no? Plus, most frizbees are thicker than even a MBP.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Death Sentence | The Cinema
  • Death Sentence | The Cinema

  • skunk
    Mar 20, 07:29 AM
    I actually think having troops is better. It is specifically outside the UN resolution to put troops on the ground.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Death Sentence (2007)
  • Death Sentence (2007)

  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 06:26 PM
    Maybe Apple should ban all religious apps.

    In a way, religion is very like homeopathy, since it pretends that something non-existant has the ability to cure/help/heal etc.

    Like homeopathy, religion can encourage one to do nothing of value ('let's pray for Japan', 'let's try to cure cancer with just water') rather than something physical which actually has an effect. It could be construed as being dangerous and damaging in that sense.

    Imagine if Apple actually banned all religious apps. I bet that they would lose a substantial amount of sales. I know people at my church (when I was still religious) who would buy iOS stuff just for using bible apps.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Death Sentence Pictures
  • Death Sentence Pictures

  • milo
    Sep 6, 01:45 PM
    Terrified to see that my MBP's 1.83 Ghz Core Duo is now in Apple's lowest line of computers... It does what I need it to, but it must be worth half the value it was 6 months ago ($1,999.99). Even more terrified that my ex got a black MB that has a better processor then mine. And she only uses it for papers and chatting! :eek:

    Lowest line? The mini and macbook still both have slower processors than the MBP's.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund
  • Garrett Hedlund

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 01:23 PM
    The pricelist from Intel themselves (PDF). (

    Core 2 Duo: Merom pricing.

    Yonah prices in normal font, Merom in bold
    1.66 GHz - $209/ $209
    1.83 GHz - $241/ $241
    2 GHz - $294/$294 etc. etc.

    They cost the same! Intel hasn't announced any price drops yet.

    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund @ Death
  • Garrett Hedlund @ Death

  • Tmelon
    Mar 30, 08:27 PM
    So I was thinking that we might as well compile a list of changes in the newest build. To start things off:

    1. Macbook Pro 2011 support
    2. New iCal look

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund Death Sentence
  • Garrett Hedlund Death Sentence

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 18, 03:55 AM
    Yeah, if it's $9.99 to rent, it's going to fail. $1.99, might be worth it. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, then a lot of people will complain. Both with have good points, but the rest of us won't care.

    This is were the movie bigwigs are shooting themselves in the foot. I would rather pay $5 - $10 for a download (to keep) than $1.99 (or similar) for a rental. More people want to keep the movies and will pay more for them. I.e. more income for the studios etc.

    What are they freakin' stupid?

    I know for a fact - if it ever makes it to the UK store :mad: - that i will hardly download any if they are on a rental model. If its pay to own i will be downloading loads.

    EDIT: And i agree with bigandys post above!

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund
  • Garrett Hedlund

  • omegaphil6
    Feb 8, 06:57 AM
    2008 Dodge Charger SE

    garrett hedlund death sentence. garrett hedlund death sentence
  • garrett hedlund death sentence

  • hokka
    Jan 2, 05:39 AM
    new iPod that can be used to control & maybe mirror what's shown on the new iTV within range, and it uses BT headphones to avoid the problem of plug & unplug 3.5 jack all the time. All changed from a single dock...

    garrett hedlund death sentence. garrett hedlund death
  • garrett hedlund death

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 27, 09:43 AM
    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh! Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    Being 14 and stupid FTW?

    My parents would've shot me if I'd tried to drop that much $$$ on a computer when I was 14.

    As it was, my dad was a little bothered I spent $1400 on a year-old MBP in 2008. But that was when the base MBP was $2k, so it was actually a really good deal :D

    And then that Tuesday, the new models came out :p

    garrett hedlund death sentence. GARRETT HEDLUND DEATH SENTENCE

  • mum
    Aug 7, 06:05 AM
    Introducing Vista 2.0
    No offense to Apple, but seriously. Is that the wittiest tag-line they can come up with for WWDC 2006? Gernot Poetsch shows that Apple has a lost its creative touch in his photoblog. To this, I just say, eh.
    Heh, not only is that tag-line funny, but it's funny 'cause it's true. "Hasta la vista, vista"? That's great too. Paul's obviously irritated by it, and also annoyed by the fact that Apple marketshare is in fact growing, despite his disbelief in its ability ever to do so.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. garrett hedlund death
  • garrett hedlund death

  • bedifferent
    Apr 2, 09:48 PM
    I noticed that I had around 15.6gb on my 25gb partition just before installing the update. Afterward I have 17.32. It could be that some settings or cache or whatever in some places have been reset. I know that my Launchpad needs to have apps placed back into it, but that couldn't take up that much space(?). Could be something else I haven't seen yet.

    All that I have on the Lion partition is the OS install. Even my Home directory is pointed to that on my Snow Leopard partition.

    Do you have "local snapshots" on in "Time Machine"? If so, it creates a hidden folder of saved data, snapshots, and it fills up quickly. You can uncheck it, then delete the hidden folder (I think it was in my Home folder). Local snapshots is still a rough beta, they're fleshing it out still.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett Hedlund and Aisha
  • Garrett Hedlund and Aisha

  • Hraggleblarg
    Sep 29, 11:27 PM
    Why is it so impossible to find an orange case? I'm so frustrated.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Photo of Garrett Hedlund at
  • Photo of Garrett Hedlund at

  • Booga
    Jul 18, 09:24 AM
    In the music business, Apple has taken advantage of people's willingness to give up some sound quality (ie MP3 and AAC formats) in exchange for ease of use in buying and using the music. I don't expect the movie service to offer HD, at least not for most movies. I expect they'll do the same thing they did with music-- actually offer slightly LOWER resolution than DVD in exchange for a very convenient package.

    That's how Apple got the music industry on-board, and it would offer a great story to the movie studios, who are constantly worried that the higher and higher quality formats mean they're "giving away their masters". Instead, people may be very willing to buy lower quality copies as long as it's extremely convenient.

    garrett hedlund death sentence. Garrett the Bomb
  • Garrett the Bomb

  • paulsecic
    Jul 19, 05:38 PM
    and the train kept 'a rollin', all night long.
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    Jan 2, 03:35 PM
    Since Intel is releasing the 2.0 Ghz C2Q chip this week, it seems likely to find its way into an iTV and/or iMac device. That's four cores on the cheap.


    I see where you're coming from, but I believe the processor in the current iMacs is the laptop Merom C2D, which is why the iMac tops out at 2.33GHz, and the FSB is 667MHz. TDP for most Meroms is 35W.

    The Core 2 Quad is a desktop processor, with a TDP more like 80-100W. So not suitable for the iMac without a big redesign.

    Do correct me if I'm wrong.

    Wasn't aware there's a 2.0GHz version of C2Q...

    Nov 15, 08:22 AM
    [incredibly naive question]

    is there any way to tell what software is multithreaded and will take advantage of the quad cores? (on the tech specs, etc...)

    [/incredibly naive question]

    Apr 2, 10:48 PM
    It is very obvious when someone has no idea what they are talking about, and just making up false information.

    I like the iPad... but I don't see any "false information" in his post. At all.
    What was false?

    Apr 3, 01:23 PM
    Are you kidding me?!

    The 'pathology of people like me'? Who do you think you are? Facts are that I've neither held, or used either device, so I'll wait until I have until I make my decision. What's so controversial about that? How am I talking about the iPad in any kind of disadvantageous way? I'm just saying I want to try both and have not made up my mind yet. Rational.

    The Playbook does exist too, no matter how much you say it doesn't. What on earth are you basing you assumption on? Where did I ever promote the Playbook over the iPad? Please retract your comments.

    The Playbook does NOT exist, until people can buy it and compare it with an existing product. You "Haven't made up your mind yet?" On what conceivable basis could you make up your mind between an actual shipping product and pie-in-the-sky vaporware? How is that rational? It used to be Apple products were only sneered at in comparison with existing competitors. Now they have to compete with every imaginary device anybody can dream up, from the HP Slate to next years "100 x as fast" Tegra 3 barn-burner.

    Aug 29, 10:33 AM
    If you're gonna stay with core duo why not just make the mini a 1.83 & 2.00 GHz Core Duo machine like the macbooks since the iMacs are going Conroe. 1.66 & 1.83 on a core duo is pathetic in my opinion and solidifies my believe that the mini and i will never get least for now. Thats just oo much crippling to handle

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