Friday 13 May 2011

justin bieber dougie on ellen

justin bieber dougie on ellen. Me How to Dougie (Remix)
  • Me How to Dougie (Remix)

  • Spock
    Nov 29, 01:45 PM
    Its the Pippin 2!! this time its intel instead of Bandai!

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. [HD] Justin Bieber - One Time (Live At Ellen Show 11/03/2009). 4:00. Justin Bieber performs One Time live at the Ellen Show on November 3, 2009.
  • [HD] Justin Bieber - One Time (Live At Ellen Show 11/03/2009). 4:00. Justin Bieber performs One Time live at the Ellen Show on November 3, 2009.

  • celebrian23
    Jul 20, 11:17 AM
    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

    I don't use netflix, but I think it's a great thing and itms isn't going to be able to overtake it. I'd take netflix over any computer movie rental service anyday

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber Teaches Barbara
  • Justin Bieber Teaches Barbara

  • Blue Velvet
    Jan 1, 05:22 PM
    The Apple Product Cycle

    An obscure component manufacturer somewhere in the Pacific Rim announces a major order for some bleeding-edge piece of technology that could conceivably become part of an expensive, digital-lifestyle-enhancing nerd toy.

    Some hardware geek, the sort who actually reads press releases from obscure Pacific Rim component manufacturers, posts a link to the press release in a Mac Internet forum.

    The Mac rumor sites spring into action. Liberally quoting �reliable� sources inside Cupertino, irrelevant �experts,� and each other, they quickly transform baseless speculation into widely accepted fact.

    Eager Mac-heads fan the flames by flooding the Mac discussion forums with more groundless conjecture. Threads pop up around feature wish lists, favorite colors, and likely retail price points. In a matter of days, a third-hand, unsubstantiated rumor blossoms into a hand-held device that can do everything except find a girlfriend for a fat, smelly nerd.

    Apple issues it customary �we don�t comment on possible future products� statement in response to inquiries about the hypothetical new product. Mac fanatics are convinced that they're onto something.

    The haters enter the fray to introduce fear, uncertainty and doubt. How expensive will the product be? Will it support Windows file formats? Will it work with my ten-year-old Quadra 840AV running Mac OS 8.1?

    As Macworld or the Worldwide Developer�s Conference draws near, the chatter builds to a fever pitch. Rumor sites jockey for position, posting a new unverifiable, contradictory rumor every hour or so. eBay is flooded with six-month-old, slightly used gadgets as college students, underemployed web designers and independent musicians struggle to clear credit card space.

    On the morning of Steve Jobs�s keynote presentation, the online Apple store grinds to a halt as Mac-heads set their browsers to refresh every 15 seconds.

    Steve Jobs spends the first half-hour of his keynote crowing about how many iPods shipped during the previous six months and how many �native applications� have been developed for OS X. Attempting to appear as though it�s just an afterthought, he finally introduces the new Apple product. The product has sleek, clean lines, a diminutive form factor, and less than half of the useful features that everyone was expecting. Jobs announces that the product is available �immediately.�

    Five minutes later, the new product appears on the online Apple store. Orders have an estimated ship date that is four weeks away.
    The online Apple store takes 50,000 orders in the first 24 hours.

    Apple�s stock surges as Wall Street analysts proclaim the new device will be �Apple�s savior� and the key to turning around the decades-long decline in Apple�s share of the global PC market.

    The haters offer their assessment. The forums are ablaze with vitriolic rage. Haters pan the device for being less powerful than a Cray X1 while zealots counter that it is both smaller and lighter than a Buick Regal. The virtual slap-fight goes on and on, until obscure technical nuances like, �Will it play multiplexed Ogg Vorbis streams?� become matters of life and death.
    The editors of popular Mac magazines hail the new device as the next great step toward our utopian digital future. Wired News runs exclusive interviews with the Apple design team. Fortune publishes another glowing fluff piece about Steve Jobs, proclaiming him to be the great visionary behind all technological innovation. Newsweek declares the device the new �must have� item for any self-respecting urban technophile. All of this is written before anybody outside of Cupertino has held the new device in his or her hand.

    Business Week publishes an article stating that unless Apple immediately releases a Windows version of the new product its market share will continue to shrink and Apple will be out of business within six months. Mac zealots howl with fury and crash Business Week�s email server with their angry rebuttals.

    In the wee hours of the morning on the initial ship date, as the Mac heads lay snug in their beds or take MDMA and dance to bad music, Apple delays everybody�s ship date by four weeks.

    Rage reigns in the Mac forums. Lifelong Mac users who would never consider purchasing anything made by Microsoft or Dell, regardless of how shabbily Apple treats them, vent their anguish and frustration. Failing utterly to see the irony of the situation, they prattle on until their panties are twisted in knots.

    The rumor sites abound with half-baked theories blaming the shipping delay on everything from heat dissipation problems to SARS. The most obvious explanation, that Apple lied about the initial shipment dates, is ignored in favor of more elaborate and unlikely scenarios.

    Apple�s stock plummets as Wall Street analysts fret about the company�s supply chain problems. The same analysts who were raising their targets on Apple three weeks earlier appear on CNBC and predict that Apple could file for bankruptcy as soon as the week after next.

    A week before the revised ship date rolls around, small quantities of the new product begin to appear in Apple�s retail stores. Chaos ensues as crazed Mac-heads queue up hours before the stores open, hoping to get their hands on one of the prized gizmos. The bedwetting in Mac Internet forums reaches tidal proportions as people post empty threats to cancel their online orders. The devices begin to appear on eBay and get bid up to absurd premiums over MSRP.

    Pointless outrage slowly turns to pointless optimism. Driven insane by the lack of instant gratification, would-be customers profess their willingness to gun down the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny if it would hasten the arrival of the FedEx delivery person.

    Nerd porn threads appear in the Mac forums. Some lunatic with too much time and money on his hands disassembles the new device down to the bare, soldered components and posts pictures.

    The obligatory �I�m waiting for Rev. B� discussion appears in the Mac forums. People who�ve been burned by first-generation Apple products open up their old wounds and bleed their tales of woe. Unsympathetic technophiles fire back with, �if you can�t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. *****.� Everyone has this stupid argument for the twenty-third time.

    Apple issues a press release to announce that they have now taken orders for over 100,000 of the new devices and shipped at least eight or nine dozen. Backorders and waiting lists stretch into months.

    Movie stars, professional athletes and rappers begin accessorizing with Apple�s new gadget. Shaquille O�Neal appears on the cover of ESPN The Magazine using one. Mac fans unconditionally forgive him for Kazaam.

    Wall Street analysts appear on CNBC wearing big smiles and bright spring colors to announce that Apple's new device will drive Apple's sales to unprecedented levels and might be the key to turning around the decades-long decline in Apple�s share of the global PC market. Apple's share price surges. People who understand the root cause of the dot com bubble shake their heads in silent disgust.

    Trade publications and business magazines begin to refer to the market for Apple's new product as a "space."

    A minor, rarely occurring flaw in the device begins to be discussed in the Apple support forums. Whiny, artistic types post lengthy diatribes about how this terrible design flaw has made the device unusable and scarred them emotionally. Electronic petitions are created demanding that Apple replace the devices for free, plus pay for counseling to help traumatized users overcome their emotional distress.

    Taken completely by surprise at the success of Apple's new gadget, executives from Dell or Sony or Microsoft appear on CNBC and offer vague suggestions that they are beginning development of a new product to compete with Apple. In its next issue, PC Week magazine publishes an article declaring that Apple's dominance of the [insert gadget here] space is in jeopardy.

    Weeks before most users are able to hold Apple's new gadget in their hands, "What features would you like in the next version?" discussions take place on Mac mailing lists. Mac-heads cook up droves of far-fetched, often bizarre ideas. A cursory reading makes it readily apparent why Apple executives pay no attention to their fanatical customers.

    Apple releases the first software update for the new device through its Software Update control panel. Several hours later, it pulls the updater. A small number of people who applied the update experience crashes, data loss, headaches and ennui. The Apple support forums are filled with outraged posts. A day or so later, Apple releases a revised installer without comment, then quietly removes the angry posts from its support forums.

    Somebody starts a thread on a Mac chat board that asks whether anyone knows of a way to use the new device with some other nerd toy in a way that makes no sense whatsoever. Out of the blue, somebody writes a hack that facilitates the unholy combination and offers it as $39 shareware. Seven of the nine people who actually try to use the hack download it off of BitTorrent and use a pirate serial number. Advocates point to this as an example of how independent Mac software development is thriving.

    Dell or Sony or Microsoft releases a competing device which costs $100 less and is based on completely incompatible, Windows-only technology. Business Week declares Apple's dominance of the [insert gadget here] space over. Angry Mac zealots make plans to surround Business Week's corporate offices with torches and pitchforks until someone points out that fire and garden tools are so un-digital.

    Wall Street analysts appear on CNBC to explain that Apple's device will never be able to compete with the onslaught of cheaper Windows-based competitors. Apple's stock plummets. Idiot technology investors experience a brief moment of deja vu before they return to masturbating to photos of Maria Bartiromo.

    Consumers discover that the Windows-based competitor to Apple's device contains a proprietary digital rights management technology that prevents them from using the device to do anything expect except look at family photographs taken in the last 20 minutes.

    An obscure component manufacturer somewhere in the Pacific Rim announces a major order for some new bleeding-edge piece of technology that could conceivably become part of some expensive, digital-lifestyle-enhancing nerd toy. The fun begins again...


    justin bieber dougie on ellen. michelle-obama-dougie.jpg
  • michelle-obama-dougie.jpg

  • jettredmont
    Apr 12, 10:25 PM
    This all started just because I said I hope Final Cut doesn't turn into iMovie. Somehow that turned into iMovie is pro and Final Cut is the Model T of editing.

    No, no one said iMovie was Pro. You said you didn't want FCP to take the same "backward step" iMovie did. The hue and cry here is that, where we stand now, iMovie is a far more capable editor than iMovie HD ever was, and has room to grow where iMovieHD did not. It was NOT a step backwards.

    Your rebuttal has been that iMovie is not pro, but that's obvious. iMovie HD was not pro (and was significantly less capable than iMovie today is in terms of precision editing, audio work, etc).

    For my hobby work (NOT pro), I went from a die-hard Final Cut Pro user (I worked for Apple and got a hell of a discount on FCStudio) to an iMovie user with the past two revs of iMovie. I tried and simply could not use iMovie HD for what I wanted to do. I hit some barriers with iMovie today, but nothing like the crap that iMovie HD and before gave me.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Show#39;em How to Dougie Chuck!
  • Show#39;em How to Dougie Chuck!

  • twoodcc
    Oct 5, 02:22 PM
    thanks. when it gets colder here, i'll start doing the bigadv units again. then the points should really add up. if they keep the units going.

    way to go dude!

    hey, congrats to you for 6 million!!

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber to Ellen: Selena Gomez is Sweet, Bullying Is Not -
  • Justin Bieber to Ellen: Selena Gomez is Sweet, Bullying Is Not -

  • MonkeyClaw
    Oct 23, 08:56 AM
    This news just in....

    "My infant son began to cry when I placed the MacBook Pro in my shopping cart this morning, this is a clear indication that the MBP could be updated as soon as this week. More news to follow..."


    I dunno, I really have a gut feeling that tomorrow will be the day, but in the end, my PowerBook G4 is still gettin the job done :D

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber já demonstrou em
  • Justin Bieber já demonstrou em

  • QuantumLo0p
    Mar 7, 12:41 PM
    As with most things :D I do have an opinion on that. I am very interested in diesel, but I am in the minority as far as that is concerned. When I mention the benefits of diesel to my friends, most of them say something like "Really, you're kidding, if they are superior in areas such as mileage then why doesn't the car companies make and sell them?" I believe the answer is because of the ridiculous emissions standards placed on the manufacturers by agencies such as the EPA. I believe that our government knows the benefits of diesel technology, but that too many powerful people are bought and paid for by giant corporations. You can call me a tin-hat wearing conspiracy theorist is you want to, but I really do think that is why many good things are being suppressed here.

    I agree. Case in point; I believe one of the Aptera prototypes was rear drive and used batteries in conjunction with a diesel generator. At full charge the car would run off batteries and as they depleted the generator would contribute more and more electricity. Aptera's fuel efficiency figures were impressive, leaving EVER?THING currently offered in the dust. Sorry I can't quote data but if you look at archived site pages you can probably still find it; I did while back.

    As fate would have it the diesel generator Aptera prototype has yet to make it into production and now they seem to offer only a total-loss battery car. I don't recall the range being very impressive which relegates it as an urban novelty and not in contention for serious real-world commuting.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber Ellen One Time amp; Favorite Girl HD One Less Lonely Girl Interview
  • Justin Bieber Ellen One Time amp; Favorite Girl HD One Less Lonely Girl Interview

  • majidf
    Oct 24, 06:21 AM
    ... not really reliable method was used ...

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber - My Worlds
  • Justin Bieber - My Worlds

  • dylan6950204
    Jan 10, 09:13 PM
    can some body put as link to like a pic of a zoone

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber amp; Selena
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena

  • rmwebs
    May 2, 04:25 PM
    Hmm..that'll feel odd...

    Hold down for 2(ish) seconds
    click 'X'
    click 'ok'.


    Drag to trash...

    Seems like change for the sake of change. Hardly a groundbreaking new feature.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. I#39;ll carry that: Dougie helps
  • I#39;ll carry that: Dougie helps

  • batitombo
    Apr 21, 10:58 PM
    This is what I think about this:

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Dougie Poynter
  • Dougie Poynter

  • striker33
    Mar 26, 08:59 AM
    Whilst tablet gaming will never overtake console gaming, unless a TV dock and controller is introduced, its always fun to see a portable device that is capable of outputting games at 1920x1080, where the xbox 360 and ps3 (retail games only) can not.

    They seriously think the 360 can last another 5 years? Considering this is only the iPad's 2nd release, I wouldn't bet on it.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. dougie
  • dougie

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Nov 28, 01:16 PM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    One of the best points I've read so far - and one that I wish more people would apply to Apple's share in the computer market...:)

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber Ellen Show (5-17-2010) quot;BABYquot; Live Performance. Justin Bieber Ellen Show (5-17-2010) quot;BABYquot; Live Performance. 8:53.
  • Justin Bieber Ellen Show (5-17-2010) quot;BABYquot; Live Performance. Justin Bieber Ellen Show (5-17-2010) quot;BABYquot; Live Performance. 8:53.

  • Daveway
    Aug 7, 07:36 AM
    -Native NTFS write
    -Soltaire game as a dashboard widget
    -PC-run Mac OS X, but only via virtualization
    -Tabs in Finder and Safari be draggable, Dragon Drop style tabbed windows-like OS 9, and be easily recalled-bookmarks.

    There will never be NTFS write abilities in Mac OS X for a long time as Microsoft still keeps NTFS writing a propritary technology only licensed for use in Windows XP.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Justin Bieber makes a surprise appearance on #39;Ellen#39; (video) -
  • Justin Bieber makes a surprise appearance on #39;Ellen#39; (video) -

  • OdduWon
    Jan 2, 07:37 PM
    I really hope the iTV will stream internet radio as well as iTunes stuff..

    I can then replace my Roku with it...

    Yeah it would be cool to be able to have a "frontrow" to concerts and events thru iTV. also it wold be cool to have the ability to record sows thru the iTMS at a flat rate per episode. this could bring new content providers on board with apple.

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. could do “The Dougie?
  • could do “The Dougie?

  • lilcosco08
    Mar 26, 10:00 AM
    PS2 how so? Those graphics are better than the ps2 maybe not up to par with a desktop like mine but still I was impressed imagine the power of a 4 core ipad 3 with 1 gig of memory

    It's called a NGP

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. dougie poynter younger danny
  • dougie poynter younger danny

  • TheBobcat
    Nov 28, 09:40 PM
    in five years neither the iPod nor the Zune will have any significance. The hardware market will be dominated by Samsung and distribution by walmart.

    Samsung is becoming the most dominant consumer electronics company in the world: from LCD TVs to cell phones, to camcorders, to MP3 players. in 2006 they will have sold 150 million phones, growing much faster than Nokia and Motorola. Their camcorder business is just picking off with megapixel camcorders priced below $300. They are just now getting to be serious about the MP3 market. The YP-Z5 would have been one of the top players, had they decided to be agressive on pricing, however for some reason it's held very high selling prices throut the world. Now watch for the YP-T9, it will outsell iPod nano in 2007. It is ridiculously loaded with features and is much better priced than the Z5s.

    Walmart controls 40% of DVD distribution. If the DVD goes the way of the music CD, they are not going to let this market slip away from them. They have just started selling digital downloads and have much more clout with content companies than either Microsoft or Apple. rankings offer extremely limited view of the world. They are only USA, plus research shows that it is the preferred vendor for highly sophisticated users. The world is much bigger. Creative Zen Nano is #1 electronics seller at and (France and Germany) you can check it out. Creative is not a powerhouse, though. Watch out for Samsung to start ramping up the YP-T9s next year and blow everyone out of the water. As it is now, they are on backorder and sold out at many outlets... Plus Samsung's music phones will far outsell the Iphone...

    Which cost more, your device for predicting the future or your Samsung stock?

    justin bieber dougie on ellen. Do the Dougie to Celebrate
  • Do the Dougie to Celebrate

  • Rocketman
    Nov 15, 09:46 AM
    From what I am reading so far, the real benefit of 8 cores in the real world of a minority of applications being truly well threaded, is the ability to run 2-4 large complicated programs simultaneously, multiple instances of programs (some have talked about running 4 copies of handbrake), and multiple OS's simultaneously.

    All those things also require vast amounts of memory as well, so a MacPro or X-serve is the only way to go now to addres 16GB+.

    Apple has always had memory crippled computers on the low end. If they could do ONE thing in the coming 64 bit world, I would ask them to make the motherboards at least be able to address FUTURE RAM options as the cost always drops rapidly and the requirements always seem to be predominantly ram based.


    justin bieber dougie on ellen. With the boys: Dougie,
  • With the boys: Dougie,

  • MacPhilosopher
    Sep 14, 12:04 PM
    I just have a hard time picturing Toyota mailing me a new accelerator pedal and linkage and expecting me to install it. Wake up!

    But why should Apple provide a permanent fix when the problem hasn't affected sales too much, and they can come out with a fixed phone next year and get you to stand in line to buy it.

    Consumer Reports are doing exactly what their subscribers are paying them to do. I'm sorry if everyone isn't Apple Fanboys, but they get paid NOT to be anyone's Fanboy.

    Did you really just compare installing a complicated accelerator system in your car to putting a bumper or case on your phone? You are Funny.

    Apr 20, 01:42 PM
    That's because you only have automatics to drive :p

    Or has never driven a Lotus.

    But I'd guess that statement would come from someone who's only ever had rubbish cars or lives in a city where public transit is the more convenient option. Case in point:

    No, my first car had a manual transmission (on the column). It was even worse, but that's mostly because the car was a 1965 model and had no air conditioning, no power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, torn-up seats, and oddly chewed through right rear tail light bulbs at a blistering pace. That was back in the days when driving was less of a headache than it is today (I was much younger), but even then I would still rather ride shotgun.

    Feb 8, 04:45 PM
    On a side note, I have reached #977 overall with 6.4 mio units! I didn't think it was possible before the bigadv units...

    Sep 8, 03:30 PM
    We'll I guess you guys are right about getting a new streaming airport... looks like the wait time is back up from 24hours to 1-3 WEEKS WEEEEHOOOOOO!!!!!

    Airport Express still shows available within 24 hours, so looks like Extreme is getting updated but Express is not.

    Aug 6, 09:09 PM
    Why have a picture when they can have the Governator himself pay a visit?

    Mar 24, 02:02 PM
    But the GPU still has to decode what was sent and put it on the screen, which is why I asked if the TB itself can do the encoding. If it can how much overhead will that add (again as it has to happen over the PCIe side)?

    Or can you send graphics information over DP that still needs to be processed, ie raw frames?

    The GPU can do that, no need for CPU. The CPU is just there to tell the GPU what to crunch assuming no FLAGS were thrown regarding a particular DRM-protected data.

    Thunderbolt is just the transmission protocol, there is no actual decode or encode besides what is hard wired at the ports.

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